Miracle Heights


Miracle Heights Senior Living is a 45-bed residential care facility in the quiet neighborhood of Happy Valley, OR. Leonard and Millie, the owners of the facility, reached out to me to revamp their website due to it being unpresentable to their intended audience.


Web Designer / Developer




They started their website on WordPress. However, without a developer on-site, they didn't realize that their site has been down for a couple of months as their backend system and many installed plugins were outdated and conflicting. As a result, online visitors were not able to use their website properly and job applicants couldn't submit their applications due to a broken form.


My goal was to migrate them to a more user-friendly CMS system that would allow them to make changes on their website themselves without needing to hire an onsite developer; to ensure that their online visitors are able to use their website with ease; and for applicants are able to submit applications.

Here is their website now:

Miracle Heights received 4 job applicants and 1 form inquiry immediately after publishing their website. The owners were really excited and happy with the result.

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